church, Acle I have been told off for describing Acle
elsewhere on this site as rather a dour place, although
it is really the traffic which spoils it so, and it isn't
the place's fault. It is the main river crossing of the
Bure between Norwich and Yarmouth, as well as being the
place that the A47 and the main railway line come
together to cross on their journey between Norfolk's two
largest settlements. And it feels as if it has a busy
life of its own, which must be a good thing. This fine
modern chapel sits beside the library on the road out of
town towards Stalham. Using vernacular materials, but
with a number of pleasing post-modern details, it is a
surprise to learn that it is already more than twenty
years old, having opened in 1989. How it came to be built
is an interesting story.
have explored elsewhere on this site the rise and
fall of Methodism in England in general and
Norfolk in particular; what was the great
ecclesiastical enthusiasm of the late 18th and
early 19th Centuries has lost more of its members
in the last half a century than almost any other
mainstream denomination. Methodism was very
strong in east Norfolk, and almost every village
had its own Methodist society and chapel. Some
had more than one; there were various strains of
Methodism before unification in the 1930s, at
which point many of the chapels fell out of use.
In recent years there has been an inexorable
decline in congregations, and most chapels are
not significant enough buildings for outsiders to
wish strongly for their continued use. For
example, in the late 1980s there were still
working Methodist churches in the neighbouring
villages of Stokesby, Runham and Filby, just to
the north of Acle: now, all are gone. But it
wasn't the sales of the old chapels and their
land which funded this new church. It was the
dualling of the A47 through Acle, taking the
traffic out of the town centre but putting it
firmly in the path of the old Acle Primitive
Methodist chapel. The chapel was already proving
inadequate; as the village chapels closed, the
catchment area of the Acle community was
spreading wider and wider, and in compensation
for the road the Department of Transport agreed
to pay for the building of a new church on the
other side of Acle. It is now the proud flagship
of the Acle and Loddon Methodist Circuit.