St Mary,
was the day of the 2006 Historic Churches bike
ride, which tends to be one of the few occasions
on which I prefer not to cycle between
churches. Instead, we were cherry-picking
churches which we had found previously
inaccessible in the area between Norwich and Long
Stratton. Peter had picked me up at Norwich
station at about eight forty-five, and we were
out here in the graveyard of St Mary by the time
the clock struck nine. Well, the
church was locked. But there was a
keyholder notice, a change from a couple of years
previously. We assumed that Arminghall wasn't
taking part in the bike ride, and went across the
road for the key. However, coming up the garden
path in the opposite direction I met the man who
was on his way to open the church, and caused him
a little consternation by revealing that the bike
ride started at nine o'clock, and not ten as he
had thought.
Arminghall was taking part in the bike ride, and
as it turned out the people here were some of the
friendliest and most welcoming that we met all day. And
if Arminghall was a little behind the rest of Norfolk
that day then it wasn't entirely out of keeping with the
place. It is a sleepy, peaceful kind of village, which
feels a bit off the beaten track, although in point of
fact it isn't. if you look at a map, you'll see that
Arminghall church is closer to the centre of Norwich than
the city's hardened housing estates of Bowthorpe and
Heartsease. But here we are, in a peaceful fold of trees
and copses, and I thought that the people who lived in
pleasant Arminghall were fortunate.
And St
Mary is a small, pleasant church, if rather unexciting as
these things go. There was an overwhelming restoration
here at the hands of the major 19th century architect JP
Seddon. He usually left churches looking pretty, and did
that here, although Pevsner points out that the plans
were rather more ornate than the result.
is to scale; there is no change between nave and chancel,
but an elegant little screen with a wide arch marks the
transition. There is no dado to it, and the effect is of
one of those trellises up which climbing plants grow.
font is Seddon's, there is a decent late 19th
century Anunciation scene, and there is very
little sense of St Mary's medieval past
remaining. Some 15th century bench ends have been
cut into the stalls in the chancel, but they are
large-scale, and probably came from a bigger
church than this one originally. Perhaps Seddon
got them from another church he was working on at
the same time, an intriguing thought. Slightly
later is a grand memorial of the late 17th
century to John Herne, with a carved helm
surmounting it. The sombre Latin seemed a little
out of place in this light, simple church.
of all I liked the parish banner behind the font,
a real period piece of the 1940s I should think,
with a printed image of Mary and the infant
Christ, and ARMINGHALL added confidently
at the top. Pretty and homely, like its church;
indeed, like its parish.