St Peter,
Morley St Peter
are two Morleys. The other church, St Botolph,
has a big Perpendicular tower and nave, so
typical of Norfolk, but St Peter is more subtle
and more delicate, slightly ramshackle and
battered by the years. The truncated tower with
its pyramid cap is most effective, and even the
cement rendering has an organic feel, as if
everything is going quietly back to nature. The church
sits slightly above the road, which bends at a
dogleg angle to get around it. It is a very
attractive setting; as Mortlock memorably
described, it looks as if the church just grew
there. How could you see this building and not
love it at once?
The two Morley churches may be physically
different to each other, but they share one annoying
characteristic: they are both kept locked without
keyholders. This is a shame, because St Peter is exactly
the kind of church that I would normally like. Judging by
the exterior, I imagined a unique character formed by the
events of centuries, a touchstone to the long generations
of the parish. I would have loved to sit inside it for a
while, but it was not to be.
As it is, I am told that there are a couple
of interesting memorials, and some good modern glass by
the King workshop in the east window depicting the
Madonna and Child. You can just about make out how good
it is from the exterior, and this only increases the
frustration. I'm young enough to hope that the policy
will change, there will be new churchwardens and I may
come back this way in twenty or thirty years time to find
it open.
Simon Knott, January 2006