Field Road Methodist Church, Norwich Chapelfield
Methodist, or Chapel Field Road Methodist to give it its
full and proper name, is Norwich's largest non-conformist
church, built to have a capacity of a thousand people.
The foundation stone was laid by one of those ubiquitous
Colmans, and the building opened in 1881. It is set on
the edge of the city centre to serve the expanding
working class suburbs of south and west Norwich, and is
still today surrounded by blocks of flats and terraced
streets. A stretch of the city wall runs nearby, and
since the chapel's construction it has gained the inner
ring road rushing four lanes of traffic past its front
entrance. The Rowntree chocolate factory which stood
opposite has since been demolished and replaced by the
massive, swanky Chapelfield shopping centre. So, this
church does not hide itself away.
construction is in a classical style from greying
portland stone, and it can seem rather forbidding in
gloomy weather; but the frontage has enough of the
new-Byzantine which was becoming popular at the time to
make it rather jaunty. The interior is a pleasing mixture
of white metalwork and sombre brown woodwork, the walls
painted cream and green to repeat the combination of
gravitas and jauntiness we found outside. The balcony
runs the length of the building, curving back sharply to
run along the other wall, thus creating the effect that
the interior is longer and narrower than it actually is.
community here seem liberal, enthusiastic and
outward looking. Their website observes that
Chapel Field Road Methodist is a large,
diverse and welcoming church set within the city
centre of Norwich, England. As such we are always
looking to be more effective in our witness for
Christ within a city context. Norwich is a fine
historic city of great beauty and charm - it is
also a city where many people struggle and are
often pushed to the fringes of justice and proper
care. Finally, the pub on the
opposite corner, the Champions, is, I think, one
of the most characterful pubs in the city.