Church, Overstrand Overstrand is a large coastal
village just to the east of the jolly town of Cromer, and
might even be described as a kind of suburb, although of
the very best kind. There is something very English about
Overstrand, the pub and the houses and the churches,
which may be a result of the families carrying buckets
and spades and lilos down to the beach, but may also be
because, more than any other north Norfolk village,
Overstrand bears the hallmark of the great Clement Scott.
Scott was a journalist who, in search of a story, came to
Overstrand in the 1880s, and fell in love with it. He
spent the next twenty years writing about it in the pages
of the Daily Telegraph. He christened this coast
'Poppyland', and Poppyland became a favoured resort of
several generations of English holidaymakers searching
for a rural idyll in the years before and after the First
World War. Overstrand in particular became so fashionable
that many well-off Londoners, particularly from the
theatrical and literary worlds, built houses here, and
grand hotels remain to this day, although the grandest of
them went over the cliffs in the 1950s.
was a Catholic, and it is no coincidence that
Cromer's Catholic church is out on the road to
Overstrand. The Anglican church is on the western
edge of the village, and was substantially
restored in the first years of the 20th Century.
But to cater for the influx of visitors there
also needed to be a non-conformist presence, and
in 1898 the architect Edwin Lutyens was
commissioned to create what is probably rural
Norfolk's most remarkable building of the decade. It is, as
Pevsner observed, a very curious design.
Essentially a hall church, a jaunty clerestory
lifts above austere and yet intricate brickwork,
reminscent of Lutyens's later work in the crypt
of Liverpool Catholic Cathedral. The main doorway
at the eastern end is awesome in its gravitas on
such a small building. But the most curious
feature is the set of buttresses which run from
beneath the clerestory and support it out on the
outer walls - as Pevsner says, it is an
aggressive functionality. It seems extraordinary
now that this building was designed and built in
the 19th Century, and with hindsight we can see
that this was one of East Anglia's first tastes
of the Modernism which was an inevitable
descendant of Pugin's 1840s emphasis on the
functionality of architecture, and which would
be, by the 1930s, in the ascendant everywhere in
the world.