Church Centre, Thorpe Marriott The north-western
suburbs of Norwich creep insidiously up the Fakenham
road, consuming old village centres and infilling fields
and meadows. But you don't have to go far off of the road
to find yourself in the countryside again, along winding
lanes among pleasantly wooded hills. And the housing is
not unattractive, consisting of small low-rise estates
and larger houses set back from the road. There's a
considerable snarl-up at the Asda junction when everyone
piles in to Norwich to go to work of a morning, though.
challenge of providing churches in areas like this is one
that the various denominations take to with enthusiasm,
and the main protestant churches, with the possible
exception of the Baptists, tend to work together. The
Church of England has its old medieval parish churches,
of course, which stud this suburbia like little jewels.
But for the big new estates it means new churches, and
the plucky little Methodists, perhaps mindful of their
tradition in this county, built their presence here.
attractive modern church building, hidden away
behind shops in the centre of the new village of
Thorpe Marriott, was opened in 1991 by the great
Dr Donald English, President of the Methodist
Conference. English was perhaps the last major
non-conformist figure to register in the wider
public consciousness. At a time when Cardinal
Basil Hume was Archbishop of Westminster and Dr
Robert Runcie was Archbishop of Canterbury, these
three highly-respected Church leaders became well
known on television and radio, providing a moral
and intellectual compass to the issues of the
day. How different things are now! It is hard now
to imagine such giants filling those positions,
or Methodism ever having that kind of influence
again. As I have already suggested, in this
part of Norfolk the Anglicans and Methodists work
and worship together, and so Trinity Church
Centre is in joint use, as part of the same group
as nearby Horsham St Faith.